Important Announcement for UE Union members in Hampton Roads, VA

    Dear UE member

 We regret to inform you that field organizer Chris Hollis has resigned from the UE as of Saturday, September 7,  2024.   Chris is now on the payroll of a corrupt union, the Laborers (LIUNA).  Chris was under investigation by the national UE union for insubordination and violating UE Anti-Harassment policy.   We are sorry that this has happened.

     However, please feel confident that the UE National Union remains committed to building the UE in the Southeast region of Virginia, Hampton Roads (the 757).    We will continue to work with you in all four cities, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, and Newport News and hope to grow beyond as possibilities emerge.   We have chartered UE Local 111 in Virginia Beach and are committed to continuing to build the union there.   The fight for Collective Bargaining rights is still a viable and important goal and focus for workers in Hampton Roads.  

     Our immediate goal is to convene union meetings in each city this month for assessment and training.  An excellent meeting was held in Portsmouth this past Saturday and we will be reaching out to you to get meetings set up as soon as possible before the end of September.   

We are also aware that other unions are being brought in and proposed for members to leave UE and join a different union.   We respectfully advise against this. UE has committed resources for over four years to support and develop workers to realize your own power.  These other unions are now trying to take over after you all have done tons of excellent work with UE.   It will be a set back for workers in this area, rather than the principled basis for moving forward.   These unions are NOT run by their members, instead staff run these unions and decide how dues money is spent. That is not the type of union we want to build here in 757. 

    For now, we are advising you not to talk with Chris.

     If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 757-632-7866, UE Field Organizer troya wright at 202-903-1869, or the national UE office at 412-471-8919.  

Yours for worker power,

Dante Strobino
UE Staff Coordinator
Virginia and North Carolina UE
Workers Rights are Human Rights, Organize the South!
cell: 757-632-7866